Tag Archives: Free Speech


Fairfield Township Stands Alone on “No” Public Comment

From the Fairfield Township Flare

February 10, 2013 

Fairfield Township trustees have not permitted verbal public comments at its recent meetings and trustees say the policy will stay that way for the foreseeable future. This has been the case since May 2012. The trustees may be following the letter of the law, but they are clearly missing the boat on following the spirit of the law as described in the Ohio Code in the Ohio Open Meetings Act.

Ohio has an Open Meetings Act, sometimes referred to as the Sunshine Laws, codified in Revised Code section 121.22. This statute applies to meetings of the Board of Trustees of a township – as well as other public bodies. The text of that statute does not grant the public the right to comment or participate in public meetings. Consequently, every Ohio court which has considered the question has concluded that Ohio law does not require a public body to provide the public with an opportunity to comment at its meetings.  The rationale is that these meetings are business meetings and that is the primary purpose.

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Free Speech PROHIBITED in Fairfield Township Unless it’s “Pleasant” | Fairfield Township Flare

Free Speech PROHIBITED in Fairfield Township Unless it’s “Pleasant” | Fairfield Township Flare.

Politics in a free republic requires free speech. Fairfield Township has prohibited public comments at trustee meetings until further notice. In doing so, they have denied concerned citizens the ability to get their opinions on the public record. Citizens have now effectively lost their voice in Fairfield Township.

First Amendment states that:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In a recent Journal-News article Trustee Steve Morgan states that, when the crowd gets to where they can talk in a pleasant manner, I think then there will be public comment.  Read More at Fairfied Township Flare